Sunday 3 March 2013

The 2013 National Essay Competition for Nigerians.

The 2013 National Essay Competition is presented by Youth Support Counseling Consult (YSCC). The competition aims to celebrate and nurture the creative talents of young writers from secondary schools across Nigeria, by providing a platform for students to compete with their peers.

Youth Support Counseling Consult (YSCC) 's mission is to empower youths by providing Guidance, Counseling, Information and access to Education for Nigerian youths . YSCC also provides counseling consultation services to academic institutions and youth organizations.

Essay Topic
Is the Internet a Blessing, or a Curse for the Millennial Generation?

Winners of the 2013 National Essay Competition will be awarded the following prizes. Please note that prizes will be awarded to both winners and schools attended by the winner.
  • 1st Prize - All-Expense-paid tour of top UK Universities for 1st place winner plus 4 laptop computers to be presented to the IT lab of secondary school attended by winner
  • 2nd Prize - All-Expense-paid tour of top UK Universities for 2nd place winner plus 3 laptop computers to be presented to the IT lab of secondary school attended by winner
  • 3rd Prize - All-Expense-paid tour of top UK Universities for 3rd place winner plus 2 laptop computers to be presented to the IT lab of secondary school attended by winner
  • 4th Prize - All-Expense-paid tour of top UK Universities for 4th place winner plus 1 laptop computer to be presented to the IT lab of secondary school attended by winner
  • 5th Prize - All-Expense-paid tour of top UK Universities for 5th place winner
Eligibility and Entry Requirements/Rules
  • Participation is free and is open to secondary school students in Year 11 or 12 (SS2 or SS3).
  • Each entrant may submit only one essay.
  • All entries must be original works by student submitting the essay. Entries may not have been previously published in professional media.
  • Entries must be original works of prose, between 1,000 to 2,000 words in length.
  • Entries must be submitted in electronic format; as an email attachment in a double-spaced MS Word document with numbered pages to Please note that all other formats will be disqualified.
  • Each entry must have a cover page with the author’s name, full mailing address, telephone number and email address. Every subsequent page must carry the student’s name and page number.
Submissions must be received by the deadline and All entries are final. No revisions are accepted. Winners will be individually notified of the results by email or telephone.

For More Information Visit the  Nigeria National Essay Competition Webpage

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